Game Description:
Hey, it's Bomberman in 3D! Do I still have to explain more about the gameplay? The core gameplay is more of the same, but there's also some new stuff added in levels to keep thing fresh:
- Moving Belt: On the ground, the belt transport items from one place to another. A character or bomb joining the moving belt is transported at half Bomberman's speed to the end of the belt.
- Arrows: When a bomb is put onto or pushed towards an arrow it will move in the arrow's direction.
- Teleport: On the ground, a character or a bomb teleports between portals. Each portal works both ways but there is no return through a portal just teleported to. Leave the portal and find it again to go back.
- Side-teleport: Like a teleport, but in the form of a tunnel heading out of the battlefield.
- Jumping pads: On the ground, with an arrow indicating of the jump. When a character reaches the jumping pad, it will launch him into the air. The landing place is 5 tiles from pad in the direction of the arrow.
Game Resolution:
- 240x320
- 240x320
- 176x220
- 176x208
- 128x160
- 128x128

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