Game Description:
In 2105, Chaos Age reached its 61st year. Global turmoil achieved an extreme level, oppressing the people. On the countries out of NATO, people started to live in shelters. Misery, hunger and thirst were spreading throughout the world. It was not possible to venture out, because of the fighting between robot warriors, this was causing the deaths of all the people around them.
Branklin had the power to action all of the satellites and transmitters of NATO. They could influence the robot systems all around the world, by broadcasting electronic signals. They were creating great conflicts between the military units as they oreinteered the world. Branklin took over
the empowerment of NATO and its allies too. Within this period, they managed to form an armour of immunity around themselves. The managers of the company had created a great imbalance of the distribution of force, for the sake of the direction of the world.
While sitting in his basement studio, Masterman decided to end this chaos. He went to Freeport and entered the laboratories of Branklin. As he had guessed, the laboratories were defended by robot systems. He had to destroy all robots and save the humanity from chaos.
You can see Hall of Fame (Top 100 scores) of Masterman 3D at mobile games section of the official website of Mobile Entertainment Studios
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